
Our sponsorship  program allows us to provide material and nutritional assistance for the children in our programs.  We are careful about how we provide assistance and seek to always find opportunities for folks to help themselves.  However, by  helping  children to stay in school, by helping to improve living quarters, by providing clothing, school supplies and uniforms, and by supplementing the children's diet with nutritious foods from the local markets, it is hoped that family units will stay intact, thus avoiding the heartbreak of sending children to institutions.

The name of the town these children live in is El Porvenir. It translates as, “the future”.  We hope you will join us to sponsor our programs and with your help, these children will certainly have a brighter future!

Sponsor breakfast at the Kinder for just $15/month! Breakfast Club sponsorship provides nutritional support for the 25+ children in our Kinder program.  Click below to sponsor the Breakfast Club!



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